Dental health in the workplace

Reduce el ausentismo y pérdida de tiempo relacionados a necesidades de atención dental. La falta de prevención genera gastos mayores en salud para los trabajadores, sus familiares y para la empresa.

Contributes to corporate social responsibility

Generating social development opportunities in its areas of influence with vulnerable people.

Dental clinics in the workplace

At Novulis we have innovative service models that adapt to your company's dentalhealth and preventionneeds.

Clínica Dental Móvil y Atención Dental Portátil

Regardless of the infrastructure, space or distance from your company, our dental offices come to you. Equipped with high technology, they allow your employee to feel comfortable, safe and with access to quality dental health.

Clínicas Dentales Móviles

Transforma tu lugar de trabajo en un espacio libre de caries y lleno de sonrisas sanas. Tus trabajadores pueden tener la posibilidad de contar con un consultorio dental de forma permanente.

Solidarity Dental Clinic of High Range

Your employees and their families will also have access to the first high-end solidarity dental clinic in the Americas, where they have access to specialty dental services at preferential prices.

Part of the impact

Benefits for your company

Dental care at your company headquarters 

Payroll deduction payment agreement

Dental and preventive health education workshops

Premium quality inputs

1 year warranty on procedures

Social Pricing

Our testimonials

Our Clients

Together we generate solidarity

Part of the impact

Call your insurance company and schedule your appointment at Novulis

Call your insurance company and schedule your appointment at Novulis